Dear Friends,
This weekend, two of our three churches will reopen for public worship. On Holy Saturday, St Jerome’s church will reopen at 6.00pm for a simple Vigil Mass of Easter. On Easter morning, Our Lady’s church will reopen for Mass at 9.00am and 11.00 am. St Anne’s will remain closed.
The churches will be opened on a first come, first served basis. We are by no means back to a normal situation and the usual track and trace, hand sanitiser and social distancing will be required to keep everyone safe. Everyone will be shown to their seat by the stewards.
As ever, I am very grateful to our stewards for their generous service, which makes it possible for our churches to reopen.
Going forward, we will return to our pre- lockdown Mass schedule;
- Saturday: Vigil Mass at St Jerome’s at 6.00pm.
- Sunday: Mass at Our Lady’s at 9.00am and 11.00am.
- Wednesday: Mass at Our Lady’s at 12 Noon.
God bless
Father John