Baptism is one of the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church, which are milestones in our relationship with God.
If you would like to arrange for your child to be Baptised, please download and complete the form from the link below and email it to the Parish email address: ourladyofcompassionformby@rcaol.org.uk
Once we have this information we will contact you to arrange a date.

Preparation for first Holy Communion is carried out in our two Catholic Schools. Young people who do not attend these schools should approach Father John after Mass to inform him that they would like to receive Holy Communion. He will then make arrangements for formation of the person to receive Holy Communion.

Preparation for first Reconciliation is carried out in our two Catholic Schools. Young people who do not attend these schools should approach Father John after Mass to inform him that they would like to receive Reconciliation. He will then make arrangements for formation of the person to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Confirmation is carried out at Deanery level. Please see information below for 2025.

Those wishing to be married in the Parish of Our Lady of Compassion should meet with Father John after Mass to discuss.

If a parishioner is sick or dying and needs the sacrament of the sick, please call 01704 873230. If the phone is not answered please leave a clear message including your name, the reason for your call and a contact number. The answer machine is checked every day and you can also send an email to: ourladyofcompassionformby@rcaol.org.uk

If you would like to become a Deacon or Priest and would like to know more about what is involved, please speak to Father John or visit the Archdiocese of Liverpool Website.

If you would like to arrange a funeral for a loved one, please ask your Funeral Director to contact us in the first instance, we can liaise with them regarding available dates.